Hot Iso-stating Pressing

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Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) is an important aspect of the titanium and superalloy manufacturing process, and PTC have installed one of the largest HIP plants in the world with vessel working zones up to 1150mm in diameter and 2500mm in length.

The internal pressure can reach some 15000psi (103MPa) and temperatures up to 1200 degress Celsius. Our HIP plant was imported from one of the world’s leading specialist manufacturers, it has been operational since 2018 and PTC have been producing not only 100% defect free parts, but have also developed unique technology to produce near net shape components from the HIPping of Metal Powders.

Hot Isostatic Pressing is used to eliminate pores in metal components, it can also be used for the consolidation of powder and diffusion bonding of dissimilar metals or alloys. The powder is canned in capsules of suitable material, which are produced by sheet metal forming and welding. The capsule is designed to give the fully dense end product the desired shape.

Key Benefits:
  • Improved quality and performance due to fine and isotropic micro-structures
  • Design flexibility, Near-Net shapes, Net shapes or Bimetal construction
  • Reduction of number of welds on complex parts
  • Reduction of machining requirements
  • Less NDT needed & easier NDT
  • Dense, without segregation
  • Use of composite materials
  • Freedom of part sizes and production series and choice of alloys
  • A lean manufacturing route, leading to shorter production lead-times
  • Producing single parts where previously several were required
  • Cost reduction
Process Attributes:
  • A wide range of metal powders can be hot iso-statically pressed (Fe, Ni, Co, Ti, Cu)
  • New alloy compositions which were impossible to cast or forge can be considered.
  • During hot iso-static pressing, the elements do not have time to segregate, because the temperature is below the melting point
PTC Equipment Specification:
  • Can fabrication and powder filling facility
  • Component size envelope 1150mm (D) x 2500mm (L)
  • Maximum alloy consolidation temperature of 1250°C
Powder Alloy Examples at PTC:
  • Pure Titanium Alloys
  • Alloyed Titanium (Ti6Al4V, Ti-6-2-4-2, etc)
  • Zirconium and its Alloys
  • Nickel Superalloys (IN718, IN713, IN738. CM247 etc.)