3D Printed Patterns

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An in-house 3D printing centre of excellence is used to do rapid 3D printing of complex net-shape casting patterns for reduced time-to-market for smaller parts.

The Printcast process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design (CAD) model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer.

It is a version of additive manufacturing, and PTC uses the latest 3D printing technology to produce patterns with high accuracy, repeatability which can be used in a high-performance alloys.

Key Benefits:
  • Ideal For After Market, Projects and Customised Parts
  • High and consistent dimensional accuracy
  • Exceptional surface finish
  • Optimised casting design – parting lines, cores and draft angles eliminated
  • Reduced casting weight – wall sections and machining allowances minimised
  • Consistent casting quality
For Serial Production
  • 100 gms to 100 kgs net weight per piece
  • Low to medium volumes
  • Reverse Engineering and “Virtual Tooling” – short development cycle and production lead times
Process Attributes:
  • Replaces the requirement for metal tooling which is not cost effective for low volume production
  • Ideal for economical production of low volume, high precision, high integrity castings with customised design, choice of alloy, contractions relevant to specific alloys
  • Provides all benefits of Investment Casting and Replicast® process for one-off and medium volume production parts.