Additive Manufacturing

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At PTC, additive manufacturing is playing an increasingly important role in the manufacturing processes and is mainly used under the PrintcastTM and PowderforgeTM technolgies.

Using additive manufacturing techniques, 3D printed patterns and tools are manufactured for rapid prototyping or manufacture of low volume, high complexity parts.

In Powderforge, a wide range of metal powders can be hot iso-statically pressed (Fe, Ni, Co, Ti, Cu, Mg, Al) for manufacture for metal components. New alloy compositions which were impossible to cast or forge can be considered in the rapid solidification process. In-house manufacturing and Hot Isostatic Pressing capability ensures continued pioneering in powder metallurgy.

Benefits of Additive Manufacturing:
  • Improved quality and performance due to fine and isotropic micro-structures
  • Design flexibility, Near-Net shapes, Net shapes or Bimetal construction
  • Reduction of number of welds on complex parts
  • Reduction of machining requirements
  • Less NDT needed and easier NDT
  • Dense but without segregation
  • Use of composite materials
  • Freedom of part sizes and production series and choice of alloys
  • A lean manufacturing route, leading to shorter production lead-times
  • Producing single parts where previously several were required Cost reduction

Further, PTC also possesses an in-house capability for manufacture of Titanium Alloy Powders.